World Language Back to School Tips & Resources

Last summer, when I was beginning this blog, I wrote several blog posts for French, Spanish, and Italian World Language Teachers to help them prepare for the 2023-2024 school year. But given the novelty of my blog at the time, I don’t think those posts got as much traction as they could have! Therefore, I decided to create a new post this summer to highlight blog posts and resources that I think will be super helpful as you begin preparing for the 2024-2025 school year! Consider this a sort of back to school repository of content that will help you start the school year off on the right foot!

World Language French Spanish Italian Back to School Resources

First Day of School Lesson Plan Activities for World Language Teachers

Need some novel ideas to freshen up your first day of school lesson plans in your French, Spanish, or Italian classes? In this blog post, I walk you through what the first day of my French class looks like. I give you several ideas for activities that you can implement during the first few days of your class so that you can achieve the following goals:

  • Goal #1: Get my students talking & interacting!

  • Goal #2: Help my students understand the benefits of language learning!

  • Goal #3: Get to know my students!

  • Goal #4: Get my students up and moving!

Want to read more? Click on the image below!

Four Back to School Tips for World Language Teachers

As Back to School season approaches, many of us are returning to the classroom feeling refreshed and revitalized, ready to welcome enthusiastic language learners to our World Language classroom. Some of us are super excited to be back, while others (like myself!) could use a couple extra weeks of summer vacation! Regardless of where you fall on the spectrum, it is no secret that back to school season can be super stressful and overwhelming, even for the most seasoned teachers. In this blog post, I share four nuggets of wisdom that I have picked up over the years which have helped me to reduce some of the stress and overwhelm that can accompany the back to school season.

Want to read more? Click the image below!

How to Save Time & Maximize Efficiency During Back to School Season

It is no secret that the Back to School season is one of the busiest for teachers.  Between setting up our classrooms, making photocopies, lesson planning, attending what sometimes feels like an interminable chain of back-to-back meetings…it’s a lot!  It is so easy for us to lose steam during the first few days and weeks of school despite having had a restful summer break.  In this post, I share some tips and ideas to save you some time and energy so that you can start the school year off being fully present with your students and not feeling tired or exhausted from all of the tasks you’ve got piled up on your plate!

Want to read more? Click the image below!

Back to School Self Care for World Language Teachers

The first few weeks of school are exciting but also one of the most challenging and stressful periods of the entire school year. We are dusting off our language skills, setting up our classrooms, lesson planning like crazy, getting to know our students, building relationships, establishing procedures, reviewing old content, beginning to teach new content, so on and so forth.  It’s easy to forget that self-care is important, especially during this initial period of the year when we feel like we might not need to pay much attention to  our self-care practices because we’ve just come back from a relaxing summer break. In my eyes, it’s the perfect time to think about and establish really strong and effective self-care practices that you can take with you throughout the year.

Want to read more? Click the image below!

Essential Elements of an Effective World Language Course Syllabus

When thinking about drafting your French, Spanish, or Italian Course Syllabus, what are some key items you’ll want to include so that students and parents understand what the course is about and what your expectations are for student learning in your class? Read more to find out what are some ESSENTIAL components that you’ll want to include in your syllabus.

Want to read more? Click the image below!

Back to School Unit for the First Month of French, Spanish, and Italian

Back to School is right around the corner, and if you’re teaching a French 1, Spanish 1, Italian 1, or Exploratory World Language course, you’ll want to start thinking about how you will plan out the first month of instruction. In this blog post, I share some tips for how you can plan out the first few weeks of your French, Spanish, or Italian 1 classes. I also link to my First Month of French, First Month of Spanish, and First Month of Italian bundles on my TpT Store. Each bundle is designed to save you COUNTLESS hours of prep time. It is great for brand new World Language teachers who need comprehensive and engaging resources for their students, as well as veteran World Language teachers who are looking to diversify their instructional strategies, liven up their classroom with beautiful color-print posters, and enhance their assessment practices.

Want to read more? Click the image below!

If you’re looking for a comprehensive and engaging resource that will provide you with all of the instructional tools and assessments you need to have an amazing start to the school year, check out my First Month of French, Spanish, and Italian bundles below!

I hope you have gleaned some useful tips, strategies, and ideas to help you start off the brand new school year with gusto! 

Happy language teaching,

~ Michael


Mindset shifts for a happier and more sustainable school year


Back to School Unit & Lesson Planning for the First Month of French, Spanish, & Italian Class